Monday, March 13, 2006

AZ: Armed woman sends robber fleeing: "A robber got some spare change and a scare when he threatened a woman in Midtown on Monday morning. The 56-year-old woman was walking near East Fort Lowell Road and North Country Club Road when a man dressed in black approached her and demanded money, said Officer Dallas Wilson, a Tucson Police Department spokesman. The robber implied he had a gun, so the woman complied with his order and gave him $1.50, hoping he would leave, Wilson said. Then, thinking her life was in danger, she drew a Smith & Wesson revolver and pointed it at the robber, who ran away."

State of emergency ...: "A lot of non-gun owner households may not have noticed, but there is a lot of activity in state legislatures about barring authorities from confiscating personal weapons during an emergency. ... The individual is the asset of the community, and communities make up the nation. The sovereign individual is the authority of the country. These mean that the person is at once the beneficiary of the nation and its authority in one. Officials tend to forget this, and freeze people out of their neighborhood's disaster recovery. Confiscation of weapons in time of emergency is one such example. Illegal or not, it works against the interests of the community. It stomps on the rights of the people. It delays recovery, and for what?"

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