Sunday, March 12, 2006

TX: Houston homeowner fatally shoots suspected robber: "The homeowner, who was not injured, found two armed men dressed in black about 3:30 a.m. after pulling into the garage of the house in the 9500 block of Almeda Pines. The accused robbers forced open the back door and began shooting at the homeowner in the living room. He returned fire, police said, fatally striking one of the men who collapsed and died in the back yard. The other man fled the scene. Police said the homeowner is licensed to carry a concealed weapon."

OH: Grandma greets intruders with loaded gun: "A local great-grandmother faced danger head on as intruders entered her home. But as they quickly discovered -- she could hold her own. Eleanor Lynn, 75, said she keeps her 3-80 [sic] handgun loaded and nearby at all times. 'I already had the gun out,' she said. 'Somebody was breaking into my house so I took the gun out and went to the door. They flew.' That's why she was ready when the suspects entered her west Akron home Monday morning. She'd been robbed before and wasn't about to let it happen again. 'All I got to do is hold this trigger and it goes six times without stopping,' Lynn explained. 'I just bought this one and this one has never been used I'd like to have a chance to use it.'"

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