Monday, November 18, 2013

ATF Sends Mixed Message on 3D guns

A article shows the ATF sending two messages:

1.  The 3D printed guns work, so they must be banned!

2.  3D printed guns blow up, so do not make them or attempt to use them!

I do not think either message is effective.  Both just interest people in 3D printed guns.  From

The world's first printable gun has been deemed a serious safety and security concern after a gun printed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms exploded before it was even fired.

This danger is matched by the problem with fully-functioning 3-D printed guns - they work all too well.
In a way, the error by the dailymail is humorous:  How did the BATFE manage to get the printed liberator pistol to blow up before it was even fired?

It is amusing to see the BATFE taking propaganda cues from Australian police, as they were the first to produce video of 3D printed guns blowing up.

 Firearms have been produced in homes for nearly 500 years.  Perhaps because liberal writers are familiar with computers and printers, but unfamiliar with files and drills, they see 3D printed guns as much more of a danger than ordinary homemade guns.    As David Kopel noted,  a 1986 federal government study found that one-fifth of the guns seized by the police in Washington, D.C., were homemade.

Homemade guns are not new.   The awareness or perhaps willingness, of liberal writers to talk about it, is.  And that is a good thing.

©2013 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch


  1. This was on ABC news last night and on again this morning.

    They think we already have the digital printers no normal person could afford, and they are worried some one will shoot "them"!

    If I find the link later, I'll make a note of it here.

  2. Two ABC articles or videos below:

    3D Printed Guns Pose New Threat as Gun Law Expires

    Virtually all-plastic guns able to defeat metal detectors without a trace.

    Nov 17, 2013 07:15 PM Video from WNT ABC News

    As Ban on Printed 3-D Guns Ends, Extension Sought

    With ban on printed 3-D guns set to end next month, US senators seek extension

    Nov 17, 2013 07:03 AM Story from Technology ABC News


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