Monday, October 05, 2020

Lin Wood Demands Retraction from Biden Campaign for Smearing Kyle as White Supremacist

From, cropped and scaled by Dean Weigarten

Lin Wood is the world class lawyer who is part of the defense team of Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle was charged by a Democrat prosecutor in Kenosha for defending himself from multiple attackers who attacked him and attempted to disarm him.  Wood won large settlements for his clients against slander in the media.

In spite of the efforts of enormous numbers of social justice warriors on the Internet, none of them have been able to make any connection between Kyle and white supremacists or an organized militia. The clear case for self defense is made in an eleven minute video.

If the attackers who Kyle shot did not wish to be harmed, all they had to do was to stop pursuing and attacking  him. Kyle Rittenhouse was fleeing pursuit both times he was attacked.

In the Presidential debate on 29 September, both Chris Wallace, the moderator and former vice president Joe Biden implied that Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and a militia member.  After the debate, if the Washington Times article is correct, candidate the Biden/Harris campaign used Kyle's image with the words "white supremacist" above and "as we saw in Kenosha" below.

Lin has tweeted he is preparing a formal demand for Biden/Harris to retract the claim that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist & militia member.

I have not seen any evidence there were any white supremacists in Kenosha. There may have been a hasty creation of a near spontaneous militia to protect local businesses and homes from being burned down. There is no evidence Kyle Rittenhouse was a member of a militia, any more than anyone who showed up at the Kenosha riots to prevent destruction of property. 

There was no evidence that any militia which showed up was white supremacist or violent.

There is no evidence shown that Kyle, a minor, was or is a white supremacist.  Kyle is not a public figure. Vice President Biden cannot claim that as a public figure, he can smear Kyle without any consequence. 

It is nearly as hard to see how Chris Wallace can claim there was "White Supremacist" violence in Kenosha.  Wallace can claim he was not referring to Kyle Rittenhouse's self defense shootings. If he was not referring to them, what was he referring to? The attacks against Kyle?

I believe Lin Wood can force Wallace to, at minimum, clarify that. 

The account Lin Wood has set up,, makes sense. From

We fight back for forgotten America. We stand ready to protect and defend the constitutional rights, livelihoods and property of people and businesses that are being targeted and destroyed.

Chris Wallace has an out. He can say he did not mean or mention Kyle Rittenhouse.  What he did mean then becomes problematical.  If he disavows he meant Kyle, he loses some credibility on the left.

It is much harder for Candidate Joe Biden and the Harris campaign. 

Joe Biden attacked Kyle Rittenhouse earlier, but not by name. From

Tonight, the President declined to rebuke violence. He wouldn’t even repudiate one of his supporters who is charged with murder because of his attacks on others. He is too weak, too scared of the hatred he has stirred to put an end to it.

So once again, I urge the President to join me in saying that while peaceful protest is a right — a necessity — violence is wrong, period. No matter who does it, no matter what political affiliation they have. Period.

Biden says Rittenhouse (was there another Trump supporter charged with murder, mentioned by the President?) attacked others. One only needs to look at the video to see that claim is false.

Rittenhouse did not attack anyone. Rittenhouse defended himself when others attacked him. In both situations, he was retreating, attempting to leave the situation, when he was attacked. 

Former Vice President Biden says violence is wrong, period. But he does not condemn the violence by Antifa or BLM.  

Violence is neutral, like gravity. It can be used for good or evil. In American law, violence used in self defense is not evil, but a tool to prevent evil. 

Vice President Biden is in a trap. His far left supporters believe anyone who does not immediately submit to them, can be violently attacked. They define these attacks as "self defense".  It is an Orwellian inversion of the words which is part of their philosophy. Antifa rejects western law and logic as a matter of course. They explicitly reject first amendment rights.

If Biden does not retract his statement that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist, he is subject to lawsuit. If he retracts it, he will be seen by his far left supporters as weak.

©2020 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch



  1. Being someone several steps to the right of center, I definitely see Biden as weak.

  2. There are white Supremacists and there are white supremacists. Some are quite frankly twisted jerks and others are expressing a belief that there is nothing wrong with being white. My DNA was made in a blender But everyone considers me white and I'm not taking crap from any one any where for anything. I can eat grits and go out and scalp before lunch and whistle Dixie any time while drinking German beer and follow that with some Irish whiskey any one is free to object to any thing I do and then he has to back it up or shut up. and that is just some of my DNA Gun Powder and martial arts is mixed in some where. If you really think you are bad or tough keep it to your self You might be required to prove it.

  3. There is an old saying " We get the Government we deserve " If we get Biden We no longer deserve to have this country. For my self I chose Trump. If we get Biden because of no account useless morons that cant understand how important this election is. I'm ready for that too. It will be the toughest test for our Republic we have ever faced. I already have my all bright red battle flag. I may not get around as well as I did 50 years ago but not too many do jumping jacks while they are sighting in. I just finished making 17 speed loaders and in a sedentary position I am sure I will not need resupplied very often. My trigger finger still works as well as it did 50 years ago and all of my weapons with scopes take care of my eye sight issues. So bring it on ignorant lefties. We will see if you can chew what you bite off. The left may start it but the right will finish it. Then we can restore the Constitution from what the democraps have been destroying for several decades. If you cant love it leave it and if you wont leave it then you can fertilize it with your dead rotting carcass. God gave us the right of self defense not the second amendment the constitution just forces the government to enforce that right. I woke up more than 15 years ago and I am wide awake now. don't tread on Me. Liberal, democrap, commies still have time to leave. I have seven copies of the constitution and the bill of rights. I read the constitution and the bill of rights just the way they were written. I have studied the framers and their original intent. I know exactly why they wrote what they did. They had just lived through what we are seeing now. Is Trump a true republican, maybe, but I believe he loves this country. What 's in a name, what's in the heart is what counts. I vote republican. I am a patriot at heart. You best not piss off a Patriot. We are just finishing up the census we might need another shortly.

  4. I hate running out of ammo . Ran out once and it took three days to get through about seven miles of jungle. Charley paid for every minute.


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