Friday, July 26, 2024

No Gun Problems at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee, 2024


At the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, former President Trump has been nominated to be elected president again. Senator J.D. Vance has been selected as the Vice President candidate. No one was shot or injured at the convention. There was heightened security because of the recent assassination attempt on former President Trump.

Far left Democrats, such as Milwaukee Alderman Bauman, wanted someone, anyone, to ban the possession of firearms near the convention, but ouside the security perimeter. The City of Milwaukee did not have the power to do it. The Secret Service did not have the power to do it. They could not revoke everyones rights, protected by the Second Amendment, because of the Second Amendment, Wisconsin's similar protection, Section 25, and Wisconsin state law, which prohibits local governments from infringing on the right to be armed. From abcnews.go:

Due to Wisconsin state law, people will be allowed to openly carry guns and can conceal-carry with a permit inside the so-called "soft perimeter," which surrounds the Secret Service patrolled inner "hard perimeter." City officials tell ABC News they are frustrated following Saturday's developments but don't expect a change.

 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D), tried to convince the Secret Service to infringe on Second Amendment rights outside the security perimiter. He failed. From

 Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has requested that the decision to allow firearms within the soft perimeter of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee be reconsidered "immediately" following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, a source with knowledge of the discussion shared with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Such is the nature of a constitutional republic. What the government is allowed to do is limited by the Constitution and law.

The RNC Convention in Milwaukee has ended. There was a minor incident, handled by police. A young black man, Donnell Tinsely, according to, was interviewed by police in the security zone outside the security perimeter. He was wearing a ski mask. In July. In Wisconsin. He was carrying a "tactical backpack". He is reported as giving permission by the police to search his person and backpack. The police found an AK47 style pistol and a loaded magazine. They arrested Tinsely on possession of a concealed weapon without a permit, as Tinsely did not have a Wisconsin permit or a permit from any other state.

If Tinsely had been openly carrying the AK47 style pistol, he could not have been charged with carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. Tinsely's motives are not clear. He appears to have been eligible for a Wisconsin concealed carry permit, but had not obtained one.

This is a misdemeanor charge in Wisconsin.  Tinsely was last reported as being held in the Milwaukee County Jail on a $500 bond.


In spite of the fearmongering by Alderman Bauman, Governor Evers, and others who continually look for excuses to infringe on rights protected by the Second Amendment, there were no political attacks with guns at the RNC.

Most of the problems predicted by those who want the American public disarmed are illusory, created as excuses to push a political agenda.

©2024 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch



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