Saturday, August 17, 2024

July 2024: NICS Gun Sales over a Million a Month for 5 Years


The National Instant background Check System (NICS), run by the FBI, shows July of 2024 is the fifth highest July for both firearm sales and NICS background checks. According to the adjusted figures put out by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), July of 2024 is the 60th month in a row where over a million firarms were sold in the month. That is five straight years where over a million firearms were sold through the NICS system in the United States each month. The number of firearms over the five years has been much more than the 60 million indicated by "over a million" per month. 

In the five years from August of 2019 through July of 2024, There have been nearly 86 million firearms sold through the NICS system in those five years, averaging about 17.3 million per year. 


Firearm sales in the NICS system first topped 10 million in 2011. They soared to nearly 14 million as President Obama sought and gained a second term in 2012, dropping during the peaceful and prosperous years of the Trump presidency. In the election year of 2020, the all time record for firearm sales in a year was set at over 21 million firearm sales, many of them to new gun owners.

The best estimate of the private stock of firearms in the United States puts the number over 500 million. The July firearm sales places the number at 510 million firearms in the USA. Actual numbers of firearms manufactured, imported and exported will not be released by the ATF for a year after the manufacturers reports, to protect proprietary information. 

The 510 million figure is based on an estimate of .866 new firearms imported and manufactured for each firearm sold in the NICS system. About 13% of firearms sold inside the NICS system are firearms which were already in the system, but are purchased by another buyer. 


Handgun sales are slightly lower than in July of 2023, while long gun, multiple gun sales, and "other" are a bit higher. The total firearm sales increased about 4% compared to last year.

Analysis: It appears the assassination attempt against former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has created heightened anxiety about the stability of the United States political system, prompting more people to purchase firearms. There has been a trend of a gradual decrease in sales since the record set in 2020. July of 2024 has bucked the trend with sales increasing about 4% compared to July of 2023. It seems likely the run of over a million gun sales a month will continue into the foreseeable future.

©2024 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch

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