Monday, August 30, 2004

Taking guns from people who REALLY need them (in South Africa) : "KwaZulu-Natal continues to take the lead in destroying the most number of illegal firearms and today over 1000 weapons were destroyed by police in Prospecton, south of Durban, as part of Operation Sethunya. Sethunya was launched primarily to recover unlicensed firearms and ammunition and to ensure compliance with the Firearms Control Act. It forms part of a number of projects and operations that the South African Police Service (SAPS) has embarked on nationally to rid communities of illegal firearms and to make them safe and secure."

Feisty gal: "Jennifer Hawk stepped up to the demonstration kiosk at the Fraternal Order of Police's national convention in Orlando Fla., curious to see how she would fare in digital target-shooting. 'The instructor asked me, 'Are you sure you know how to do this,'' Hawk remembers. 'I'm like, 'Yes.'' The ensuing display Hawk put on left observers in awe, including an Orange County (Fla.) cop, who was beaten by Hawk in a friendly competition. 'He was kind of embarrassed,' Hawk said. 'That was something.' That was seven years ago. Hawk was 11 years old. Ever since, the soon-to-be senior at Penns Valley High School has maintained her sharp-shooter's eye."

Armed society is a polite society: "I read Sara Darcy's essay 'Of guys and guns.' I do not wish to be either disrespectful or flippant, but would like to suggest that there is an inextricable link between true political freedom from the oppression of the Central State and sovereignty over one's own homeland on the one hand, and the right to bear arms as articulated by the Founding Fathers of the United States in the 2nd Amendment. Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia are but two tragic examples from the last century regarding what despots and statist philosophies like Fascism and Communism can and will do in the face of unarmed citizens."

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