Oklahoma: Homeowner fires shots at intruder: "A homeowner shot his gun at an intruder Wednesday night. It happened near 49th and South Newport in midtown Tulsa. Tulsa police tell 2NEWS that the homeowner missed when he fired a shot inside his house. The homeowner then forced the suspect outside, and fired another shot, missing. There was a struggle, and the intruder got the homeowner's gun. When police arrived, officers feared the intruder may fire shots at them. Officers quickly tackled the suspect and took him into custody."
Florida: Woman with .357 blazing chases intruders from home: "Firing a .357-caliber handgun until it was empty, an Ocala woman chased two intruders from her home in the 3800 block of Southeast 68th Street on Wednesday morning. Later Wednesday, Marion County sheriff's detectives had one home invasion suspect in custody and were looking for the second. Aaron Scott Beardsley [above], 25, was charged with armed home invasion robbery. Shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday, 29-year-old Jennifer Ann Hunley; her 27-year-old boyfriend, Michael Joseph Nash; and Hunley's 11-year-old daughter were inside their home when two men entered through the garage door. Nash, who was coming out of a bathroom at the time, saw one of the intruders holding a nail gun near the television set in the living room. The man demanded money. At the same time Nash saw that the second suspect, armed with a handgun, was also in the living room. The one with the nail gun hit Nash on the head, and when he fell down both men began beating him. Hunley came into the living room, saw what was happening, returned to her bedroom for a .357-caliber handgun and fired a warning shot into the ceiling. The intruder with the nail gun ran outside, while the other one ran into a nearby bedroom. He then pointed his weapon, believed to be a small-caliber handgun, and fired at least one shot at Hunley. Then Hunley, who is 5-foot-3, emptied her handgun, firing four shots at the intruder. The gunman ran out the front door. Neither Hunley nor her daughter were hurt"

Texas: Copper thief shot: "Garland police say they do not plan to file charges against a 25-year-old man who fatally shot a suspected copper thief this morning. The incident happened shortly before 1:20 a.m. at Bargain Town - Variety & Furniture store in the 5700 block of Broadway Boulevard, police said. The business owner's son had been guarding the roof after the store had been recently hit by copper thieves. The son said he confronted a man who had climbed on the roof. The son fired his gun, striking the man in the torso, police said. The man fled, climbing back down the building and collapsing on the ground. The person shot was identified as Edward Preston Hickey [above], 43. According to investigators, he had an extensive criminal record consisting of mostly nonviolent offenses such as theft and public intoxication. Police said Mr. Hickey had a small backpack containing tools that could be used to steal copper. They said Mr. Sheu was cooperating in their investigation. Police said the case would be referred to a grand jury for review, but that such reviews are standard procedure in fatal shootings. They said they had no plans to arrest Mr. Sheu."
Heller Decision Ramps Up Media's Anti-Gun Hysteria: "For years, anti-gunners have claimed that there's a gun-related epidemic in our country, and for once, they're right. It's not gun-related crime though. An epidemic is something that is common and spreading rapidly; gun-related crime has been diminishing for 15 years. What is common and spreading now is a condition one could call "anti-gun anxiety," or AGA. Apparently, it has been brought on by the U. S. Supreme Court ruling in Heller that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear handguns and other arms, and that the right existed before the Constitution was written and is not conditioned on a person's relationship to a militia. Fortunately, this epidemic appears to be almost entirely confined to politicians, newspaper editorial writers, and activists predisposed to the condition by years of bias against guns, gun owners and freedom. Normal people are immune from AGA, thus no vaccine is required, and the only known antidote is an open mind, a willingness to accept the facts, and a respect for the rights of one's fellow citizens."
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