California Cow Palace Gun Shows Face End
(Sacramento, California) The California Legislature has passed a bill, SB585, to shut down gun shows at the legendary Cow Palace which straddles San Mateo and San Francisco Counties. Sponsored by uber-liberal San Francisco Democrat Senator Mark Leno, the bill will limit gun shows until 2013 when they will be completely outlawed.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle:
The measure has the potential to limit gun violence by ending sales.Frankly, I contend that ending gun shows at the Cow Palace has a greater potential of limiting law-abiding citizens from obtaining guns to protect themselves. Violent criminals customarily don't obtain their weapons through legal means. They don't pass background checks, take safety courses and wait 10 days to take possession, all of which are reportedly required at Cow Palace gun shows.
In any event, the bill is expected to be on Gov. Schwarzenegger's desk shortly for signature.
Notably, the adjacent counties of Marin and Alameda have previously banned gun shows and it's presumed that statistics are being compiled reflecting a dramatic drop in gun violence -- uh, or maybe not.
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