FL: Two die in barroom shooting: "Junior Lodge, 35, and Vishna Beepot [above], 26, died after detectives say the two men argued about something early Thursday morning at the South Rock Lounge Bar and Grill. Authorities say Beepot pulled out a gun, which a security guard ordered him to drop. When Beepot refused, the security guard pulled his own weapon and both men fired, though it's unclear who shot first. Ten people were shot in the crossfire at the small bar with about 50 to 75 customers inside at the time. Many ducked for cover or ran outside. The unnamed security guard was uninjured. Detectives say it appears he may have fired his gun in self-defense."
Illinois idiocy: "A recent article published at HuffingtonPost.com contained the assertion, “Both Democrats and Republicans downstate have supported a concealed carry measure, but Chicago-area lawmakers have repeatedly said legalizing concealed carry could turn the Chicago area into the ‘wild wild West.’ ” Really? When every criminal in the “windy city” is already carrying a gun and is more than willing to demonstrate a willingness to use those firearms against their prey, it is logically incoherent to maintain that law-abiding citizens who pass extensive background checks will suddenly transmogrify into Al Capone simply by exercise the discreet carry of a concealed firearm. The consistent experience in states that have adopted legalized concealed carry has been a drop in violent crime."
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