OK: Intruder (above) shot as he broke in: "The resident at a duplex in the 300 block of N Kendra Drive said he heard his dog growl then heard two hard kicks on his front door about 7:45 a.m. He grabbed a gun from his bedroom and confronted a man who broke in. The intruder was also armed with a handgun, Clabes said. The resident opened fire and hit the intruder once in the chest. The intruder, Reginald Keith Joseph Jr., 27, was taken to Midwest Regional Medical Center, where he died, Clabes said. The name of the resident who shot the intruder has not been released. Clabes said the man is afraid of retribution from those who might have known Joseph. Clabes said it appears the shooting was justifiable."

FL: Woman, 64, holds suspect in yard at gunpoint: "Daytona Beach police were looking for a stolen vehicle about 3 a.m. Tuesday when a Volusia County sheriff's deputy spotted an orange Dodge Charger traveling west on Sixth Street. The deputy tried to stop the vehicle, but a chase quickly ensued, according to a report from the Volusia County Sheriff's Office. A sheriff's helicopter tracked the suspect to Redwood Street, where deputies say Willis ditched the vehicle in the driveway in front of Granville's home. Granville said she was up late because her cat had rousted her. She was watching the Bravo channel when she heard a sheriff's helicopter hovering above her house. Moments later, she said she saw Willis run into her backyard and try to scale her fence. Granville grabbed her .38 Special revolver and followed him. "My adrenaline was just flowing at 100 mph," she said. "I just said, 'Stop right there (expletive), or you're going to be dead where you stand." Granville held the man at gunpoint until police arrived."
Spend a $2 bill at Starbucks on Feb. 14: "As you may know, TTAG commentator Greg responded to a Valentine’s Day Starbucks boycott by the National Gun Victims Action Council by organizing a BUYcott. He’s asking gun owners to reward Starbucks for its letter-of-the-law firearms policy by buying a beverage or food item with a two dollar bill (a suggestion made by NukemJim, the bill representing the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms) on the 14th of Feb. "
Homicide drop while gun ownership rises shows anti-gunners wrong: "This week’s revelation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that homicide is no longer among the leading causes of death in the United States -- at a time when gun ownership is at an all-time high -- shows that the gun ban lobby has been wrong, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. 'The CDC’s report for 2010 that removes homicide from the top 15 leading causes of death in this country coincides with a period of record high gun ownership,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb."
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