Monday, April 08, 2013

FL: Pompano Beach has competition for first gun turn in, 2013

Some of the guns turned in. cbsmiami

In this story from CBS Miami the reporter mentions that 124 guns were collected, and that $9,000 of Walmart gift cards were distributed. That amounts to less than $73 per firearm. With a little bit of work, though, we find that there is more to the story.

From, a discussion among members shows that there were plenty of private buyers at the event:

Lots of folks on corners with "CASH 4 GUNS" signs.

Many of these turn in events are finding competition these days. Now it appears that the MSM has found a way to minimize the protests. Simply do not mention it. Here are a number of links for other events that featured private sales:

NM:More than 300 guns sold at sheriff buy back event(and private sales!)

PA:Gun Buyback Met With Competition In Bensalem.

Outside, a group of gun advocates set up a table offering a better price to people carrying high-quality weapons.

Second Gun Buyback Nets 42 Weapons

Also in front of the church were people offering to buy the guns off of people before they reached the buyback event.


NM: City’s gun buy-back program nets hundreds of weapons

Outside the police station, a group of four or five men gathered to offer cash to people who were bringing guns in.

Gun buyback in Cincinnati collects 135 weapons

The Cincinnati Enquirer ( ) reports that a federally licensed gun dealer showed up to provide some competition. He bought a dozen weapons for $40 to $100 by standing outside the church with a sign that read “Cash 4 Guns.”

Several good deals made at Lansing Gun Turn in

MI:100+ Guns Turned in for Gun Buyback

Just outside where the buyback program was being held pro gun activists were offering cash for guns.

NM:Police harass legal buyers at Santa Fe Gun Turn In

Seattle has gun Turn in, Private buyers save guns

Tucson Gun Turn in - First Hand Account

AZ:Former Senator Offers Better Alternative to Gun Turn In

A Reader Reports from the Hartford CT Gun Buyback

Cleveland Gun Buyback Program Attracts Buyers Offering Cash for Guns (VIDEO) (OH)

The Detroit PD Doesn’t Like Competition(MI)

Gun-buying enthusiasts crash firearms ‘turn-in’ event at Memorial Coliseum(OR)

©2013 by Dean Weingarten Permission to share granted as long as this notice is included.

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