Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Solution to criminal violence? End gun control.

One of our commenters named Jack posted an excellent response to Peter Tomaras’ Gun Control Reality Check epistle.
Here is the REAL solution: end gun control. Follow the constitution, as most states did prior to 1968 and the federal government did prior to 1934. NO INFRINGEMENT.

Why not give freedom a chance? It worked for two centuries. Do we have to all be enslaved because “minorities” and over-medicated whites commit crimes?

All these Liberals believe that gun owners are the problem. We are not Gang Ghetto Youths or mentally ill teens.

My child’s life should not be endangered by the gun control nazis. Sandy Hook parents failed to protect their children, so now they want my daughter dead; sacrificed on the alter of Liberalism to appease their guilt. Shame on them.

Liberals, deal with your inner rage and hate; stop projecting it onto us. Conservatives, stop letting the state try to control everything with laws that violate principals of freedom. Support the original intent of the Bill of Rights!

We have to say, well done.

For those aghast at the idea that somehow a lack of gun laws is “dangerous” we invite you to consider a pair of notable facts:

1. Florida has over one million active concealed carry permits and the rate of firearms violent crime is at record lows.

2. Chicago, with 532 homicides in 2012, is replete with strict gun control. It’s onerous and obnoxious and keeps that city’s law-abiding folks disarmed because of the expense, time and trouble involved with complying with local regulations.

A half-hour or so west of Chicago (in light traffic) lies Illinois’ second largest city of Aurora, which does not have Chicago-style handgun control. Last year, Aurora had zero homicides.

It’s not rocket science.

Gun control only increases violent crime every time.

More at gunssavelife.com


Wireless.Phil said...

I'm realling hate, yes hate the cliche "It’s not rocket science"!

Its over used!

Anonymous said...

like your comment.