Monday, December 10, 2018

Foreign-Born Population of the United States, Percent by State, as of 2010

The foreign born population of the United States is at near record levels of over 14 percent, as of 2018. The last time this happened, the U.S. shut down immigration for 40 years and assimilated the immigrants.

It is less clear that will happen this time.

The big wave of immigration ending about 1920, was part of how Progressivism took over as the dominant ideology in the United States.

The current wave of immigration, began in 1965, is part of how Progressivism is pushing out the remnants of Constitutional ideology today.

President Donald Trump is part of a desperate attempt to stop the slide to unlimited government in the United States. It will not be successful unless the United States severely limits immigration and starts teaching Constitutionalism and limited government in its schools.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch

1 comment:

C. S. P. Schofield said...

Think the Progressive should be damn careful. It's clear to me that they lack the capacity to win National level elections, outside of a few areas, without significant vote fraud. They have seriously irritated a lot of the population (hence Trump's election) and rather than being conciliatory they have thrown a two year tantrum. All very good for their loyal base, but bad strategy if they want the Presidency in 2020. They are providing Trump all the ammunition he needs for a headlong investigation into vote fraud, and after the belly-aching they've been doing about the 2018 electors they lost, they'll have a hard time blocking it if he plays his cards right. Throw in a coupe more stupid staged incidents at the border and instead of Hispanics invading US, we could easily end up invading Mexico, to sort out the odds and sods there.

They are using for a breakdown in the Democratic system, but I think they may well be overestimating their chances of seizing control of that happens.