Sunday, June 05, 2022

MO: Man Open Carrying AR15, has gun Stolen, Shoots Thief, Retrives AR15

Once outside, this individual was confronted by an adult male where-in a robbery was announced. The adult male announcing the robbery pointed a gun at the person carrying the AR-15 rifle and demanded it.

The individual complied and gave him the rifle.

As the adult male walked away with the rifle, the individual who had been robbed went to a vehicle, retrieved another gun, and began shooting at the adult male who took the rifle.

A shootout ensued between both parties.

During the shootout, two individuals (innocent bystanders) were struck by gunfire. Their injuries are non-life threatening.

The adult male who announced the robbery was struck several times by gunfire (as stated above) and remained at the scene.

The victim of the robbery, who shot at the adult male who took his rifle, left the scene.

Moments later, it is believed a different adult male returned and shot the individual who took the rifle as well.

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1 comment:

Mike-SMO said...

Open carry is worrisome but if he left it in the vehicle, it most likely would have been stolen. If the would-be thief had been in prison, he would have been alive. You know this wasn't his first robbery, but it was his last.