Saturday, September 14, 2024

NICS Numbers and Firearm Sales up August, 2024


After the unsuccessful assassination attempt on former President and current presidential front runner, Donald Trump, in July of 2024, both firearm sales and National Instant background Check System (NICS) checks have increased for August. The absolute NICS check numbers increased by 5 percent. The estimated increase in firearm sales was 9 percent. Both numbers are the fifth highest year for August as shown in the NICS records. July  2024 saw an increase in gun sales  of 5% over 2023. August has nearly doubled that increase.

Gun sales are estimated because the NICS numbers contain back ground checks for other things than gun sales, particularly for firearms permits and permit renewals. More than one firearm can be purchased with one NICS check. In 25 states, some firearms permits allow for multiple firearms purchases using the permit instead of separate NICS checks. Private sales, conducted between private parties without government interference, are not included in the statistics.

In August of 2024, handguns sales were up about 6%, Long gun sales were up by 14%, other guns (mostly finished receivers) were up by 2% and multiple gun sales were up by 9%.



As seen in the chart showing the sales of various types of firearms, August 2024 stands out as being significantly higher than August of 2023. With one third of the year to go, including November and December, which are months with traditionally high gun sales, 2024 may well exceed the number of firearms sold in the NICS system in 2023. Domestic turmoil is high. The dividing line appears to be between those who believe what the old media and the current administration tell them, and those who do not. There appears to be the greatest differentiation between the political parties since the presidential election of Republican  Nixon and Democratic  George McGovern in 1972.

The world is experiencing a significant upsurge in chaos, as those who dislike the United States as a world power push to overthrow pax americana.  With an increase in chaos, trade and travel become less safe and more expensive.

International chaos incentivizes people to become more self reliant in the United States, as the bias toward normality "It could never happen here" becomes more and more problematic.

A contributor to maintaining or increasing high firearm sales, is the historically low prices for very capable firearms. Plum Crazy AR15 style rifles are advertised at $350.  Bear Creek Arsenal AR15 style rifles are available at $429.  On sale, a Plumb Crazy complete lower and a Bear Creek complete upper can be had, including tax and shipping, for under $300! These prices do not include sights. Very good utility rimfire and centerfire handguns are available for under $300, even under $200 at the best sales.

Court decisions may play a role. North Carolina gun law reform has resulted in a surge in handgun sales in that state. The requirement for shall issue carry permit laws, in those states still defying the Supreme Court, is likely increasing handgun sales.

Together, all of the effects have resulted in over five years, now 61 months, where more than a million firearms have been sold each month. The total for those 61 months is over 87 million firearms, or 17% of firearms sold in the United States since 1900.

More people, less expensive guns, restoration of Second Amendment rights, political and international insecurity,  all combine to create high firearm sales and a well armed American citizenry.

©2024 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch

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