Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SC: Cheap Gun Opportunity Georgetown County Turn In (buy back)

Some handguns turned in for $100 at a Phoenix event in May.  Note the nice Ruger and Colt.

Georgetown County, South Carolina, will be having a gun turn in even on Saturday, 2 November,  2013.  While these events are commonly labelled with the propaganda term "buyback" the guns were never owned by the people attempting to buy them.  It appears that the event is for handguns only.

The event will be held at the substation in Pawleys Island at 291 Parkersville Road to collect handguns.

Read more here:

The event is scheduled to run from 9 am to 11 pm.  People often turn up early at these events.

Read more here:

The incentive for the gun turn in will be a $100 Walmart gift card.  That price should bring out a number of guns, even for such a short time.    Private sales are legal in South Carolina, as they are in most states.

The tactics that will be used at this turn in event are similar to those that were used in Phoenix this last May.  People are asked to store the guns in the trunk of the vehicle, and then have a police officer remove them.  If there is much of a turn out at the turn in, private buyers should look for easy places for people to park so that the merchandise can be looked at prior to purchase.  Often people bring several guns to these turn in events.

You might want to read about the Phoenix event to see how things were handled there.

Be prepared for a percentage of people who refuse to talk to anyone but police.  All the private buyers that I saw in Phoenix were very polite and let these ideologically driven people turn in their guns for a fraction of what they would be worth on the open market.

Signs are helpful, as are good grooming, cash, and a friendly attitude.  Dale Carnegie's advise for dealing with people works very well.

Across the country, communities, police departments and churches are sponsoring gun turn-ins to get "guns off the street". At many of these events, private buyers are showing up, offering cash for the more valuable guns. These private additions to the public turn-in are effective, no doubt, in getting more guns off the street, because they add to the resources that are available to those who want to get rid of guns for something of value, be it a grocery card or a number of twenty dollar bills.

You can help make the turn-in in your area more effective by standing on the curb with your "Cash for Guns" sign, or at a folding table, willing to offer more than the gift card for firearms that are more valuable. It would be best if numerous private parties were available, as more good guns could then be transferred into responsible hands.

This action serves many useful purposes. It stretches the turn-in budget so that more guns can be taken off the street. It helps keep fearful widows from being defrauded of most of the market value of the gun they are turning in. It prevents valuable assets from being destroyed by bureaucratic inflexibility. It is a win-win-win situation.

It also dispels the pernicious message that guns are bad and should be destroyed.

Link to article with numerous examples of private sales at gun turn in events
Link to most recent article about private buyers at Detroit event

Link to Phoenix Article: pictures of private buyers

©2013 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch

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