An experimenter under the nom de plume of Buck O' Fama has printed the receiver for the popular Ruger Charger pistol, and assembled a working pistol with it. The video shows the test fire of the gun, which appears to work well. It has always been legal to make your own firearms in the United States, if they are not prohibited weapons. Pistols such as the Ruger have been ruled to be protected under the Second Amendment to the Constitution. At the end of the video, the experimenter notes: "If you take my gun, I will just print another one"
3D printed semi-automatic pistol (Ruger Charger) test fire![]()
The pistol version of the popular Ruger 10/22 rifle, the Ruger Charger comes standard with 10-round flush magazines and can accept high-capacity mags holding 30 rounds or more. As demonstrated, making one with a cheap small-format 3D printer and some parts purchased on the internet (with no paperwork) is trivially easy.
The video was posted on July 4th, Independence Day, from somewhere in the State of Nevada. It is interesting that in spite of the fact that the poster did nothing illegal, they felt compelled to disguise their voice.
While firearms have been made in home workshops for hundreds of years, many people are unaware that large industrial facilities are not required. 3D printers and CAD machines make the production of many parts easier, but the same results can be produced with drills and files.
©2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
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1 comment:
Ran across this earlier:
For the sake of argument as to which is more deadly on the anti-gun news articles.
Google map showing:
World Traffic Deaths,
You have 4-wheel, 2 or 3 wheel accidents and pedestrian.
World traffic deaths in 2010 by % of fatality type. Data Sources: World Borders - Traffic Death Data: WHO (
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