Thursday, July 10, 2014

Slurring the Opposition

According to CNN's John Walsh, the former host of "America's Most Wanted," he and Joe Biden see eye to eye on the need for stricter gun control. He recounted a conversation with the vice president: "I said to Joe Biden, '90% of Americans are for a responsible background check for a gun, and you know what this Congress has done? Not voted on it, not brought it to the floor, not introduced a bill.' I said, 'They're all scared sh--less of the NRA, aren't they?'" To which he says Biden replied, "John, every one of them. Because the NRA will run a tea-bagger against you. ... They'll put 5 million bucks against you." So here we have Walsh, who says he's a gun owner, disparaging gun owners and ignoring the Constitution, while Biden uses a homosexual slur against his political opponents. And they wonder at not being able to "have a conversation" on the topic of guns.

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