Sunday, December 14, 2014

AZ: Open Carry in Tacna

In Tacna, Arizona, I saw this fellow openly carrying what appears to be a stainless Colt Mustang in .380.  I asked, and he said that he had served in the Marine Corps, as indicated by the tattoo.  He was driving the four-wheeler, which can be licensed for dual use, on and off road, in Arizona, a capability not available in many Eastern states. 

Notice the folding, lockback pocket knife clipped in his front right pocket for ease of access, one handed opening, and safe use while the blade is locked.

It is a snapshot of freedom that has been chipped away in much of America.  Only two generations ago, the idea that carrying a pocket knife would be illegal would have been considered absurd.   Fortunately, Arizona is one of a handful of states that have eliminated most of the niggling little local ordinances that made carrying a pocket knife legally dangerous.  

New York City, on the other hand, is suffering under an extortion racket by their Attorney General to extract money from anyone who dares to carry a pocket knife, and in virtually every state school children are forbidden from carrying pocket knives.

The pistol seems to be retained by an indent in the holster trigger guard, rather like that used in the Fobus holsters.  I have not identified the brand of holster.  Perhaps an alert reader can do so.

©2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
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