Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dave Workman: Washington Post discredits Obama's ‘exaggerated gun claims’…again

The traditionally anti-gun Washington Post yesterday once again called out President Barack Obama on his nasty habit of misrepresenting reality when it comes to firearms, giving his recent “odd series of exaggerated gun claims” a whopping three “Pinocchio’s,” which translates to suggesting the president has been caught telling fibs.

This came two days after Bizpac Review headlined a piece with, “Anyone checking Obama’s 2nd Amendment Facts? He’s making it up as he goes.” That’s a polite way of saying the president is dishing out fabrications rather than facts.

Almost two years ago, on April 2, 2013, the Washington Post handed Obama another three Pinocchio penalty for his repeated claims that 40 percent of all gun sales in this country do not involve background checks. The newspaper found that this claim was, and remains, pure bunkum.

This time around, the newspaper challenged and refuted statements made by Obama recently during a town hall meeting at Benedict College in Columbia, S.C. The president told his audience, “What we also have to recognize is, is that our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries. I mean by like a mile. And most of that is attributable to the easy, ready availability of firearms, particularly handguns.”

According to the newspaper, that statement is “factually incorrect.” Statistically, the United States falls pretty far behind Brazil, Mexico and Russia in the murder rate column.

Then Obama made this claim: “It’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable.” That remark has been getting a lot of flak across the Internet over the past week, leaving gun rights activists rolling with belly laughs.

And what does the Washington Post say about it? “This is just a very strange comment that appears to have no statistical basis. Perhaps one can just shrug it off as hyperbole, but is this really something the president of the United States should say to college students? As far as we know, there are no areas in the United States where background checks are needed to buy vegetables.”

Finally, Obama launched this stinker: “People just say well, we should have firearms in kindergarten and we should have machine guns in bars.” To its credit, the newspaper noted that Obama added, “You think I’m exaggerating — I mean, you look at some of these laws that come up.”

The Washington Post summed it up thusly: “The president was playing fast and loose with his language here—to a group of college students no less. There’s little excuse for the claim that in some neighborhoods, it is easier to buy a gun than vegetable (see update above) — or to say he’s ‘not exaggerating’ when he claims that some people have proposed laws that would allow machine guns in bars.”

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C. S. P. Schofield said...

"The president was playing fast and loose with his language"

So, typical Democrat, then.

Anonymous said...

This is typical lying for a democrat and the communist muslim.