In the Wyoming Legislature, House Bill 172 has passed the House, 50-10, on January 23, 2025. The Bill eliminates most gun free zones and strengthens the Wyoming preemption bill for firearms. The bill would allow limited regulation by government entities of government employees ability to carry in government buildings and schools. Here are some relevant sections: From the
Section 1 W.S. 6-8-105 is created to read:6-8-105. Exceptions for state issued concealed carry permits; penalty.
(a)This section shall be known as and may be cited as the "Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act."
(b) Persons lawfully carrying concealed weapons in Wyoming under W.S. 6‑8-104(a)(ii) through (iv) may carry a concealed weapon in the following places:
(i) Any meeting of a governmental entity;
(ii) Any meeting of the legislature or a committee thereof;
(iii) Any public building not otherwise prohibited under W.S. 6-8-104(t) or regulated under this section.
(c) Persons lawfully carrying concealed weapons in Wyoming with a permit issued under W.S. 6-8-104(a)(ii) may carry a concealed weapon in the following places:
(i) Any public school, public college or university athletic event taking place on public property that does not sell alcoholic beverages;
(ii) Any public elementary or secondary school facility;
(iii) Any public college or university facility.
The bill explains how a local board of trustees in a school district may adopt rules for employees to carry concealed weapons in schools.
The bill also strengthens the Wyoming preemption law. The bill specifically limits the making of rules and legislation, as listed:
The sale, transfer, purchase, delivery, taxation, manufacture, ownership, transportation, storage, use and possession of firearms, weapons and ammunition shall be authorized, regulated and prohibited by the state, and regulation thereof is preempted by the legislature of the state of Wyoming.
Some regulations, such as zoning ordinances, are allowed if they apply to all businesses along with firearms businesses. explains this is the tenth time in twelve years this or a similar bill has been introduced into the legislature. In 2024 the bill was vetoed by Governor (R) Mark Gordon.
The creation of mandated gun free zones is based on a dubious assertion: guns cause problems. More guns cause more problems. This assertion is not correct. The opposite is true in many circumstances. Guns are necessary to protect the nation from invasion. Guns are necessary for police to enforce the law. Guns in the hands of private individuals are often used to stop crime.
Those who push for a disarmed population assert a more limited thesis: Guns in the hands of anyone outside government is bad. This assertion is also false. Guns in government hands can be used for evil purposes. People are still people, whether they are a government employee or a private citizen. Guns in the hands of citizens have been used to stop criminals, foreign enemies, and to deter and stop bad actors in our own government.
The data shows people who have concealed carry permits are more law abiding than police. People who can legally carry guns have stopped numerous mass murders and attempts of mass murder. Banning those people from carrying guns in some places prevents society from benefiting from their ability to stop crimes in those areas.
Laws which create gun free zones are an invitation for murderers to commit horrendous crimes in places where no armed resistance exists. Eliminating these zones is a positive good.
©2025 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.
Gun Watch
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