Saturday, December 08, 2012

Review: Castigo Cay by Matt Bracken

A woman lay on the bed in a small house in the woods. An old woman, her sight was gone, she could no longer walk, she could not hear well, her world had shrunk to this small house and a few of her children and friends. She was 97 years old. She hurt, her bones ached, she was tired and yet, her mind was clear.

For a time, she lived in the Caribbean, rode fast boats, knew heroes, defeat, and victory. This woman is my mother, and she knew some of the joy of life again as I read Matt Bracken’s dystopic action thriller, Castigo Cay.

For a week this spring, I read to her when she was awake and I was able. My sister and I took care of her as she can no longer care for herself. She was captivated by Castigo Cay, enthralled by the story, transported to the tropics and the ocean wilderness. Once, she asked me “Is it real?” “It seems so real!”
I won a case of Castigo Cay from Matt on a bet on Freerepublic. I would gladly have paid for the case if I had lost.

I will always owe a debt of gratitude to Matt for the hours that he transported my mother to another time and place, where she was part of a great adventure on the tropical seas.

Matt is one of those extremely rare birds, a self published fiction author that makes a living at it.   He does so in part because his technology and tactics are real and first rate.  He is a former Navy Seal, and the real deal.

He has released his popular The Bracken Anthology for very free on kindle this week.   Matt does this as he offered the Enemies Trilogy the last three weeks.   He says that the warnings they convey will not do any good if people look back on them and say that he was right.

If you have not read Matt’s books, please do so. You will not be disappointed.

©2013 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch


Dean Weingarten said...

Matt Bracken is one of those extremely rare writers: someone who is able to make a living by self publishing fiction.

His books are distopian novels that explore near future visions of the United States, in which strict gun control has been imposed.

Do not start reading one if you have to get up early the next day! They are page turners.

Dean Weingarten said...

Matt Bracken's books: the "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" trilogy and "Castigo Cay" are available on Amazon both in print and Kindle editions.