Numerous private buyers found that the police set up rendered the sit with sign strategy unproductive.
At the gun turn in in Phoenix, the line of cars quickly became several blocks long. A private buyer examines guns for sale while others start to walk the line.
The turn in event rapidly assumed the ambiance of a street festival. Private buyers walked the line of cars, politely asking people if they were willing to take cash for their guns.
This Smith & Wesson model 19 was in 95% condition. The private buyer said that he paid $120. One was recently sold on Auction Arms for over $500.
Typical guns being turned in: The old double on the right is missing its foreend, the stock is badly cracked, and the barrels rusted. The old .22 single shot has not been taken care of. The pump shotgun on the left has a badly cracked stock. Still, a private buyer was willing to pay a hundred dollars in the hopes of restoring it. This turn in customer was typical of 70% of those bringing in guns. They had good guns at home but were willing to get rid of older, marginal guns for the $100 gift cards. About 20% of those turning in guns were ideologically motivated, and simply wanted to turn the guns into police rather than anyone else. Few cared what the police did with the guns.
Perhaps 10% simply wanted to get rid of guns in the house, and thought the turn in would be convenient.
Most of the private buyers that I talked to were Second Amendment constitutional rights activists, but a few were simply looking for good deals.
There appeared to be over a hundred private buyers at the three locations.
More later.
Update: Link to Article about Governor Brewer signing bills for fiscal responsibility on gun turn in events
©2013 by Dean Weingarten Permission to share granted as long as this notice is included.
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