Monday, December 02, 2013

NY:State Deception in Pistol Process Stopped by Cattaraugus Legislators

The "SAFE Act" takes away local control and places the power to grant pistol permits in the hands of the State Police.   Part of the state plan was to use county seals on official letters to fool the recipients into thinking that their local government still had some authority in the matter.   All levels of resistance to this illegal tyranny are welcome. 

LITTLE VALLEY - Since the inception of the New York SAFE Act, various county entities throughout the state have stood against various portions of the implementation of the measure. Cattaraugus County legislators are hopeful that they have blocked the state from a tactic that could result in confusion and trust issues, county officials said.


"It's false advertising," one legislator could be heard saying.

Under the resolution, no use of the name or the seal of the county, or any of its officers, letterhead or "address for purposes of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification of for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act" is permitted.

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