Monday, March 09, 2015

Help wanted: What Ran on CNN Airport on 25 April, 2014, after 1100 Central time?

An Everytown activist has claimed that she was assaulted at the Indianapolis Airport on 25 April, 2014, as she was flying out of the city.  The 25th was a Friday.   It had to be after 1100 Central, because she is documented to have been at the Everytown press conference at that time.  Part of the story is that the person who assaulted her was watching a clip of the Everytown press conference that occurred earlier in the day, on the airport monitors just before the assault was alleged to have happened.   This all happened during the NRA convention in Indianapolis.

Her story has been disputed.  It has been asserted that the airport runs CNN Airport exclusively.  What I have not found was any definitive documentation showing what was run on CNN Airport that day.    The story seems unlikely for other reasons; I do not want to go into all of them.  You can go to the links if you want to read about them.  The claim has been made that the show/clip referenced was never played in the airport that day.   Here is a discussion where people take both sides on whether the spitting claim is plausible. 

No one in the discussion actually gives evidence as to whether the clip played on CNN Airport that day or not.  I believe that there are services that document everything that is played on networks. 

Any help in finding out what was played on CNN Airport that day would be appreciated.

Correction: Indianapolis is on Eastern Time, not Central Time.

Dean Weingarten


Wireless.Phil said...

I had to stop reading.

Indianapolis has always been in the Eastern Time Zone.

At one time they didn't turn their clocks back and forth one hour, but now they do and that is as far as that goes.

Wireless.Phil said...

The CNN program director or his/her underlings have a file of a copy of what was aired that day. It might even be an FCC rule. How else would TV stations pull up clips that ran in the past? One of our local stations had them from a time long ago posted on their page for viewers to see and recall or reminisce Over.

Someome could ask, but you might need a court order?

Anonymous said...
On mobile and couldn't check the content. You should be able to find what you need on It's miserable to search. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Wrong year. Just noticed. That time slot might be available for other years. Not sure.