The Minneapolise gun "buy back" held on 27 August, 2016 was a great success for everyone concerned.
Gun haters were able to buy 150 firearms to destroy. It helped satisfy their urge to "do something" symbolic and it made them feel good. The people turning in old, cheap, broken down guns got money to upgrade to better things. Many, if not most, were Second Amendment supporters.
Gun manufacturers were able to manufacture new and better guns, and sell them to willing buyers. Private purchasers made some good deals.
The publicity was almost a draw. Gun haters claimed guns were bad. Second Amendment supporters showed that they were valuable and wanted. I judge it a plus for the Second Amendment supporters.
The star of the show was the homemade shotgun made from $8 worth of pipe, some scrap wood, and tape, that brought a $100 for its owner. The serial number was buybacksdontwork01, written in marker on the stock.
The police officers running the show were in on the fun. They did a great job. From
I stood there for those 2 hrs talking to the officers and they didn't know the rules so the first few people had no limits enforced. The officers didn't care about any of this and made plenty of jokes about how silly it was.
A guy turned in a homemade slide fire 12 ga. made out of pipe and a 2x4. The officers thought it was hilarious.Here is a picture of the line before the "buy back" started.
They took four from me including an "AR" for $300 ... a Charter Arms AR-7 parts gun with a stripped barrel nut
The cops there did a great job. No issues at all except for a late start.
Every single person in line was one of us
The AR-7 met the criteria for an "assault weapon" listed in the "buy back" announcement. It was semi-automatic. It was small caliber. It has a detachable magazine. As a bonus, it was an "AR" (Armalite Rifle) and it had a plastic stock. The organizers were pleased. The had scored an "assault weapon"! Win-win. Everybody happy!

image from
The private buyers were happy too. At least one got a rifle and a shotgun. I would bet that the shotgun was a nice pump, double, or semi-auto. Maybe the rifle was a Marlin 336, or a Winchester 94. They are common in Minnesota. Perhaps it was something more exotic, like a Remington model 8, or a full military 03A3. Those were pretty common back in the day. From
The Second Amendment supporters got in their share of comments. From event also attracted several private firearms buyers who stood outside the fire stations promising more money for some weapons, and profiting after the buyback ran low on funds.Gun collector Paul Joat drove from Chisago County to scope out what people brought in. He conducted two purchases on the street, for a rifle and shotgun for $175.
Some gun owners were skeptical of the program’s effectiveness. One anonymous gun owner said he received $200 in gift cards for his firearm and plans to use the freed up funds for a new gun.
I suspect that this sort of event is headed for the dust bin of history. The real purpose has always been propaganda; send the message "Guns bad. Turn them in!" But with private buyers and Second Amendment supporters in attendance, the message becomes decidedly mixed.
Some friends wistfully wondered why they never have an event like that near them. I suggested that maybe they could organize their own. All they have to do is find a non-profit or philantrophy minded gun hater with a few extra tens of thousands of dollars.
It was reported that this event had $25,000 worth of funds, and it was out of money in less than two hours. It was scheduled to run for 8 hours. They bought about 150 guns, so that is an average of $167 per gun. Most of those turned in had to be .22 rifles and shotguns, or the average would have been higher.
Shotguns and .22 rifles that were not semi-auto, and did not have detachable magazines, brought $100 each. Larger caliber rifles and handguns were worth $200. "Assault weapons" were worth $300.
A good time was had by all.
©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch
Just goes to show it nicely -
Truth stands up to bogus propaganda so long as people have the courage to actually stand up, refuse to buy into the compromise bologna and Hold That Line - the rights line!
For decades the gun grabbers, the rights abusers, have mocked us, called us names and treated our rights as if they were just permissions handed down from the almighty government they control, permissions they can strip away for any reason whenever they feel like it (calling doing so "due process").
Stepping up to events line this is called rights exercised to combat rights abuses and rights abusers. Pretty cool ain't it? The First Amendment protects and defends the Second Amendment, just like the Second Amendment protects and defends the First. Its almost like it was set up that way on purpose or something!
Kudos and a huge thanks to all who shoved that potato up the tailpipe of the propaganda machine! Great job!
The news reports are not entirely accurate, they did NOT hand out $25,000.
I was the sixth person in line. They took my guns but I did not get cards, they already had run out.
After a couple hours of stalling around, they closed the doors and promised to mail out cards. I wrote about it at Mitch Berg's "Shot In The Dark" blog.
I never get rid of guns. Almost any gun can be repaired. I have made floating firing pins for a pistol by hand. Try that for an experience. it worked perfectly.
I wish I could get all of those guns. a little tender care and I could make a small fortune off of them.
I wonder if an "M-16" airsoft rifle would count as a small caliber assault gun?
Best make sure you buy seamless pipe or you may get a big surprise.
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