Tuesday, May 14, 2013

CBS’ Pelley pegs it; time to ask anti-gunners the hard ones

CBS News’ Scott Pelley, speaking at Quinnipiac University Friday, admitted that big news agencies are “wrong, over and over again,” so now would be a good time for them to start getting it right.

Ask the tough questions of the gun prohibition lobby, and anti-gun media personalities, now that the Bureau of Justice Statistics and Pew Research Center have both released reports loaded with strong evidence that gun grabbers have been wrong on firearms and crime for the past 20 years. This has anti-gunners feverishly spinning the news.

Firearm-related homicides have declined dramatically during a period when gun sales have climbed and gun ownership has expanded. Explain that.

Gun control groups call themselves “gun safety” organizations, yet they do not have a single certified instructor teaching a single firearms safety class anywhere in the nation. Explain that.

The number of law-abiding citizens who are legally licensed to carry concealed has more than doubled over the past two decades, yet gun-related homicides have dropped 39 percent, which is exactly the opposite of what the gun ban lobby has repeatedly predicted. Explain that.

Membership in the National Rifle Association has soared to five million and is still growing, despite predictions that the Sandy Hook and Aurora movie premier tragedies would erode the association’s influence. Explain that.

FBI Uniform Crime Reports consistently note that rifles are used in a fraction of all homicides, yet there is a continued push to ban semiautomatic modern sporting rifles. Explain that.

The FBI crime data also show that firearms were used in about 75 percent of all homicides in the U.S. The figures also show that homicides have dropped to below 13,000, yet we still hear about “30,000 victims of gun violence every year.” Explain that.

And here’s a tough one for Pelley and his colleagues at the “Big Three” networks: All of this information is available, so why haven’t you reported it?

More here at Seattle Gun Rights Examiner

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