Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Gun proponents plan nationwide rally

Americans have been learning that if you do not exercise your rights, you lose them.

Gun Rights Across America issued the public call to arms this way: “We want you to strap on a holstered handgun to your hip, and give one hour of your day to make our presence as law-abiding gun owners known.”
Differing gun laws mean the “Guns Next Door” demonstration will take different forms in each state.

In New Hampshire, gun owners are asked to wear holstered handguns in the front yard and carry unloaded rifles outside their home.
The plan for Massachusetts is unclear, but will fit within the Bay State’s gun laws.

Californians will wear empty holsters because that state’s laws are so strict.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a pro gun protest playing by THEIR rules and laws..empty holster and empty rifle...I think not....NULLIFY.....