Sunday, January 05, 2014

Washington Times:90% of shooting rampages could be stopped by quick-thinking civilians: expert

A year ago,  I wrote that 10 percent of mass shootings were stopped by armed citizens.  We will have to see  the report to determine how close I was, but it appears that I may have been too conservative in my figures.

Mass shootings like the ones that have occurred in recent years in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., have tripled in recent years, according to a study set to be published next week for the FBI.

Researchers looked at active shootings in public settings where the primary motive appeared to be mass murder and at least one victim was unrelated to the shooter, according to Yahoo News, which obtained the report.


Researchers looked at 110 active shooter attacks, and found that they occur most often at businesses (40 percent) and schools (29 percent). Ninety-four percent of the shooters are male.


Almost half of the active shootings are over before additional help can arrive, the study said, and potential victims actually stopped the attacker in 17 such cases.

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