Friday, July 24, 2015
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Monitoring people's right to effective self-defence..
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
HOW ODD THAT MASSACRES MOSTLY HAPPEN IN "GUN-FREE ZONES"! When will the brain-dead Left wake up and draw the obvious conclusion? Gun bans kill kids
I'm sure that is exactly what happened in every one of the mass shootings in posted gun free zones. It is easy to tell when Feinstein is not taking her meds. How many people know that she carries concealed?
BBC: Obama on gun control
Obama admits US gun laws are his 'biggest frustration'
5 hours ago
From the section US & Canada 27 comments
President Barack Obama has admitted that his failure to pass "common sense gun safety laws" in the US is the greatest frustration of his presidency.
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