Tuesday, March 09, 2021

FL: Homeowner Shoots one of Six Home Invaders

"As soon as they broke through the back door," replied Fendley. "As soon as I heard the crash, I jumped up and got the gun and I came right here. And as soon as I got her I just started to look."

He describes the suspects as being feet from his doorway.

"One of them was saying, 'Put your hands up! Put your hands up!' so I stepped back and thought 'no way.' That's when I pulled the trigger," said Fendley.

Fendley gunshot wasn't fatal -- he shot suspect Jamarquez Cromwell in the chest. He says it wasn't his intention to kill, but he sees the home invasion as a life or death situation. He says he was aiming to protect his family at all costs.

"I look at it as, I don't know if anything I own is worth someone's life, but it's not worth them taking my life either," Fendley added.

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