Tuesday, June 30, 2020
AZ: Glendale Homeowner Shoots Intruder.
GLENDALE, Ariz. - A suspected home intruder was shot as he tried to enter a Glendale home Saturday afternoon, the police department said.
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IN: 14-Year-Old Robbery Suspect Shot, Killed by Armed Victim
A 14-year-old boy was fatally shot after he tried to rob someone near the Canal Walk in Downtown Indianapolis early Monday, police say.
The Marion County coroner's office on Monday identified the boy as Curtis White Jr.
"According to investigators, it appears the 14-year-old was trying to rob the alleged shooter," Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Officer Samone Burris said in an email to IndyStar Monday.
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KY: Gunfight at Bronna Taylor Protest
The man, identified by an arrest citation as Steven Nelson Lopez, was hospitalized and being interviewed by homicide investigators about the shooting that happened late Saturday, interim Louisville Police Chief Robert Schroeder said at a news conference.
Lopez was wounded in the leg by gunfire from bystanders at the park who were defending themselves, the arrest citation said. He has been charged with murder and wanton endangerment.
Read more here: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article243856152.html#storylink=cpy
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PA: Neighbor Shoots Police Chief's uncontrolled Dog
NATRONA HEIGHTS, Pa. (KDKA) – State police are looking into what happened when a neighbor allegedly shot and killed the family dog of the Allegheny Valley Regional police chief.
The dog was a 1-year-old Dutch Shepherd allegedly shot and killed by a neighbor who said the dog was attacking him.
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Monday, June 29, 2020
TN: Teen Killed was likely Armed Robber
Around 5:30 p.m., MPD tweeted they responded to an attempted robbery on South Perkins and a female victim reportedly shot at the suspects who fled in a silver car. Then, the teen showed up at the hospital with a gunshot wound.
MPD also tweeted the teen died from his injuries and says the two incidents may be connected.
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Sunday, June 28, 2020
Opinion: Why The Reverse Paradox Tube is not a Silencer
In the previous article about the reverse paradox tube, there was a comment that the BATFE might consider the tube to be a suppressor.
Legally, the reverse paradox tube is not a silencer. The law is clear, and there is considerable precedent as to why this is so.
The definition of a silencer, in the law, is in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3):
(24) The terms “firearm silencer” and “firearm muffler” mean any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, and any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication.This is the definition used by the BATFE. There are three parts to this definition. There is the definition for a complete silencer; a combination of parts designed or intended for fabricating a silencer; and any single part intended only for use in a silencer.
In an article first published in Small Arms Review, written by By Teresa G. Ficaretta, Esq. and Johanna Reeves, Esq., the three parts are explained. The first part is for complete silencers (bold added).
(1) Complete silencer
This portion of the definition covers devices “for” silencing a firearm. Federal courts interpreting this portion of the definition have held that a device can be intended for silencing even if it was not originally designed as a firearm silencer. The best example of such a device is an automobile or lawnmower muffler redesigned or adapted for use as a silencer for a firearm. Automotive fuel filters have also been classified as firearm silencers if they have been modified for use on a firearm.The second portion the regulation of "combination" of parts was added in 1986, as part of the same Firearms Owners Protection Act which was used to stop further additions of machine guns to the private stock in the United States.
However, courts have made it clear that devices that diminish the sound of a firearm may not be firearm silencers if the reduction in noise is not the primary purpose of the device. Examples of such devices are chokes, muzzle brakes, flash hiders, or compensators. A cautionary note is in order here, however, as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the agency responsible for administering and enforcing the GCA and NFA, may or may not agree that a particular device is a choke, muzzle brake, flash hider, or compensator. ATF’s Firearms and Ammunition Technology Division may determine that the design features of a device make it a silencer despite the manufacturer’s intention to design and market the device as a muzzle brake or compensator. Later in this article we discuss ongoing litigation on this issue.
Courts have not had difficulty in prosecuting unassembled part combinations which can be used to put together a complete silencer.
The third part, also added in the 1986 law, as discussed by Halbrook, is for regulation of any part intended only for use in fabricating or assembling a silencer. This generally prevents the BATFE from classifying baffles or wipes as silencer parts, without evidence of intent to assemble a silencer.
Many legal and common items modify or reduce the report of a firearm. The BATFE does not hold that anything which reduces the report of a firearm is a silencer. Some people have been prosecuted for devices which did *not* modify or reduce the sound signature; but their intent was to produce such a device.
Intent is a key part of the law. Moreover, the BATFE understands that some devices reduce the sound signature, even with intent, but are not silencers under the law. The most obvious example is the Metro Gun designed by L. P. Brezny. The Metro Gun is a long barrel extension/ choke much like the reverse paradox tube. It has ports drilled in the side like a compensator. It screws onto the end of the barrel. The primary purposes of the Metrogun are to reduce recoil, achieve effective patterns, and reduce the sound signature of a shotgun. The BATFE has ruled it is not a silencer. From metrogun.com:
Thirdly note the sound. No blast at ( 72 Db), but a slight crack and dull thud. In effect the same as a full 12 bore suppressor selling for $1000.00 and change. The Metro choke suppressor does not require a BTAF tax fee. No $200.00 dollar tax stamp or paper work required, making for a six month waiting period with the feds either. I sell these systems in most choke thread patterns with a three day turn around.The primary purpose of the reverse paradox tube is to improve patterns of shot from a rifled bore, thus extending the effective range.
A sight or sights may be added to the tube to increase accuracy, which also increases the effective range. A reduction of noise is not the primary purpose of the device. As with any barrel extension, a reduction of noise is likely.
ake silencers are another category of muzzle device which almost certainly modify or reduces the noise of a firearm; they are not generally considered by the BATFE to be illegal silencers.
Here is a fake silencer advertised on gun.rodeo. It is 11 inches long, it attaches like a silencer, it likely reduce the sound signature a small amount. That is not its primary intent.
Another barrel extension, recognized as not a silencer by the BATFE, is the bloop tube. These devices are used to lengthen the sight radius. Such devices have also been used on pistols. On .22 rifles, they are called bloop tubes, because they distinctly modify the noise made by the rifle. That is not their primary purpose, so they are not legally silencers. Here are a couple of bloop tubes produced by Starik, for competition. The longest pictured is about a foot long.
Extending the length of a barrel almost always reduces the report of the firearm. Such an effect can also be produced by using different ammunition.
If a person were so foolish as to wish to convince some one a .22 fake suppressor actually worked, they could substitute Aguila Super Colibri or CB long cartridges while mounting such a fake suppressor, then fire the reduced power cartridges through the fake suppressor. Anyone watching would assume the report was diminished by the device.
Ammoland received some commentary from a lawyer who is an expert witness on firearms and silencers, expressing concern over the possibility of BATFE prosecutions for making reverse paradox tubes. The attorney and firearms expert was contacted. We had a conversion. The was much overlap in our areas of expertise. We each learned a bit from the other.
The attorney had never heard of the Metro Gun system or of bloop tubes. He said he will probably obtain a Metro Gun extension for his own use.
The attorney gave me examples where lack of expertise at the BATFE resulted in several cases against people who had not actually violated the law.
Unfortunately, the punishment by process cost from $10,000 to $30,000, even though they were acquitted. I forwarded to him some cases I knew about, which he was not aware of.
The primary concern the attorney had, was that some BATFE personnel might arrest and prosecute people, without real technical expertise in what is legally a silencer, and what is not.
In our current situation, where the administrative state runs roughshod over Constitutional limits, it is a concern.
In my experience, the BATFE does not generally prosecute people when they believe there was no illegal intent. The number of people prosecuted for federal silencer possession, in the United States, is about 30 per year, according to research conducted for the period 1995 through 2005.
The primary intent of making a reverse paradox tube is clear: to improve the shot patterns of shot shells fired out of a rifled barrel, increasing the effective range. The reverse paradox tube is a long barrel extension/ choke, much like the Metro Gun, except it does not have an explicit purpose of reducing the noise signature.
If the intent is clear, the possibility of prosecution is extremely small.
I have added an improvement to the original concept: adjustable front and rear sights.
![]() |
adjustable front sight/bead on reverse paradox tube |
The entire tube can be rotated slightly left or right so the sights on the tube may be used independently of the sights on the firearm the tube is attached to. Then, the original sights need not be changed to use the tube.
If you make a reverse paradox tube you should pattern it (ten yards is a good distance) to see where it is shooting, and if the addition of a sight or sights is/are desired. For fun, shoot a pattern without the tube, to show the improvement. Keep the patterns as a reminder for when you next decide to use the tube. The patterns show the intent for making the tube.
On many forums, commenters seem to believe the BATFE actively seeks out sportsmen to charge for possession of fake suppressors, bloop tubes or long muzzle brakes; if those things happen to reduce the noise from a firearm.
It is not happening.
If a person modifies these devices, with the intent to reduce the sound signature of a firearm, they may be arrested and prosecuted. Typical modifications would include additions of baffles, end caps, and or wipes.
Intent is important. Do not modify devices to reduce the sound signature, unless you obtain a Form 1 so that you may make your own silencer, legally.
The purpose of a reverse paradox tube is to improve patterns of shot fired through a rifled bore, and/or to increase accuracy with a sight or sights attached to the tube, to increase the effective range. Alignment with the barrel is not as important once sights are added to the tube. The increased sight radius improves accuracy.
Such devices are useful in eliminating pests. They are enjoyable for recreation. Perhaps Mo-Skeet-O or similar games will see a comeback.
If you know of cases where the BATFE prosecuted people for unmodified fake silencers, bloop tubes or other barrel extensions, please forward them to Ammoland. We would like to examine them.
Out of an abundance of caution, Ammoland has submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the BATFE for all information they have on Metro Gun, Metrogun, bloop tubes, and fake suppressors.
The reverse paradox tube has specific purposes, which are to produce improved patterns of shot from a rifled bore, and/or to increase accuracy, both of which increases the effective range. It does not have baffles, end cap, wipes, or an internal ported tube.
The reverse paradox tube is not a silencer.
The author is not an attorney. The above is not legal advice. Anyone making a reverse paradox tube should familiarize themselves with the law, so as to avoid legal difficulties.
This article is for educational purposes only. The Author and Ammoland have no control over the activities of readers, and bear no responsibility for their actions.
©2020 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.
Gun Watch
LA: Gunfight in Shreveport, Sister Saves Brother in Shootout with Home Invaders
“She was in the passenger seat working the radio and she saw the boy with a gun to my head and saw him walking me into the house and she just took charge from there.”
She pulled out her gun and fired on the men attacking her brother, striking 21-year-old Marcus Smith and holding him at gunpoint until police arrived. As she chased them out of her house they fired back and hit her brother.
“I looked down and I had a bullet in my chest and I pulled it out myself. I was like I see it. So I just pulled it out myself,” he said.
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MI: Man Breaks into Home, is Shot, Killed by Homeowner
COLOMA — One man is dead after he allegedly broke into a home in Coloma
Township and was shot by the homeowner early Thursday morning.
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Saturday, June 27, 2020
TN: Gunfight, Dekalb County Homeowner Shoots, Kills Man on his Porch
Preliminary investigation suggests the homeowner and man exchanged gunfire and the homeowner fatally shot the man.
The man's identity has not yet been released and no arrests have been made.
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IL: Gunfight, Legally Armed Man Shoots Attacker, Attacker Charged
CHICAGO - A man is accused of firing shots at a concealed-carry holder who returned fire Wednesday in Little Village on the Southwest Side.
Fernando Cornejo, 23, was charged with seven felony counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, Chicago police said.
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MO: Neighbor, Helping with Eviciton, Shoots Man who Attacked Him
More court documents gave the owner of the house the go ahead to move Goeman’s property to the curb.
It was when a neighbor came to clear out the house at the request of the homeowner when Goeman returned and confronted him.
The men got into a fight and Goeman was shot.
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Friday, June 26, 2020
OH: Resident Shoots, Kills Former Tenant who Broke into Home
Witnesses tell police Overton had broken into the home and was fatally shot by the resident, also a 40-year-old man. Police say Overton was a former tenant at the home, but had no connections to the current occupant.
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Thursday, June 25, 2020
IN: Free Handgun Carry Permit Goes into Effect on 1 July, 2020
On April 26, 2019, Indiana HB 1284 became Public Law 107. The bill was a major reform of firearm carry law in Indiana.
One of the reforms was free five year permits for the carry of handguns in Indiana, after 1 July, 2020..
Most of the reforms went into effect immediately when the bill became law.
They included:
Law enforcement offices were required to provide a voter registration form whenever a person applied for a license to carry a handgun.
People who justifiably defended themselves with force, in most instances, were granted immunity from civil lawsuit.
If the immunity defense was raised and prevailed, reasonable attorney's fees and costs would be awarded to the defendant by the court.
The restriction on carrying/possessing guns on school property was removed for people who were attending worship services or religious ceremonies on school property as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on school property.
The duration of a handgun carry license was changed from four years to five years.
Here is the wording removing the fee for five year licenses. The application fee for lifetime licenses becomes $50, or $40 if you have a current five year license. First, removal of the application fee, starting 1 July, 2020:
(c) This subsection applies after June 30, 2020.The law enforcement agency which accepts an application for a handgun license shall not collect a fee from a person applying for a five (5) year handgun license and shall collect the following application fees:Second, removal of the fee for the license. There are different fees for qualified and unlimited licenses. I suspect few qualified licenses are issued. The fee for the lifetime license $25 for a qualified license, and $75 for a lifetime unlimited license, with reductions of $5 and $15 if the applicant possesses a current five year license.
(1) From a person applying for a lifetime handgun license who does not currently possess a valid Indiana handgun license,a fifty dollar ($50) application fee, thirty dollars ($30) of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
(2) From a person applying for a lifetime handgun license who currently possesses a valid Indiana handgun license, a forty dollar ($40) application fee,thirty dollars ($30) of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
(c) This subsection applies after June 30, 2020.In addition to the application fee,the fee for:
The two fees are added to make up the cost of the permit. The unlimited lifetime permit fees will be $125 total, if the applicant does not have a current permit.(1) a qualified license is:
(A) zero dollars ($0) for a five (5) year qualified license;(2) an unlimited license is:
(B) twenty-five dollars ($25) for a lifetime qualified license from a person who does not currently possess a valid Indiana handgun license; and
(C) twenty dollars ($20) for a lifetime qualified license from a person who currently possesses a valid Indiana handgun license; and
(A) zero dollars ($0) for a five (5) year unlimited license;
(B) seventy-five dollars ($75) for a lifetime unlimited license from a person who does not currently possess a valid Indiana handgun license; and
(C) sixty dollars ($60) for a lifetime unlimited license from a person who currently possesses a valid Indiana handgun license. The superintendent shall charge a twenty dollar ($20) fee for the issuance of a duplicate license to replace a lost or damaged license.These fees shall be deposited in accordance with subsection (g).
Whenever license fees are reduced or eliminated, the numbers of people who obtain licenses increases. In Indiana, the number of adults with carry permits was nearly 18% a year ago. It had the second highest percentage of adults with permits in the nation.
It is likely, now that the fees have been eliminated for five year permits, the number will increase to more than 20%. Virtually all of those people are eligible to vote, and voter registration forms are now handed out with an application for a permit.
16 states do not require a permit to carry a handgun in most public places, concealed or openly.
©2020 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.
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