Wednesday, January 10, 2024

AZ: Phoenix Woman Shoots, Deters, Enraged Man

"I opened my door like a deer caught in headlights. We make eye contact and I was like, oh you’re right here," she said. "To almost knock a door down like that, you have to be really raging."

She thought her door was going to be knocked down.

"It was going to come down. I saw it bend in, like bend, not break or crack, just bend. That’s when I was announcing already, ‘Hey, I got a gun, I got a gun. Get away from my house.’ Then, I shot. I fired," she said.

She fired two shots and missed, but it was enough to scare the man away. She was shaken, but she was alive.

She called the police.

"It’s not the shooting range. It’s real life. What went through my head was, ‘This is a stand-your-ground state, this is a stand-your-ground state, so you can defend yourself, Jenelle.' I’m just aiming, and I’m like, 'He’s coming in, you can defend yourself, Jenelle.’ It took a lot of courage to do that," she said.


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