Friday, May 03, 2024

TN: Governor Bill Lees Signs Modest School Reform Bill to Allow Highly Regulated Staff to Protect Children

Tennessee Capitol

On Friday, April 26, 2024, Governor Bill Lee signed the popular school reform bill which would allow a few, voluntary, highly regulated school staff to carry concealed firearms to protect the children under their care. The reform bill moves Tennessee from the few states which completely ban school staff from carrying concealed firearms to those states which allow staff to protect their children, but with extreme restrictions. A majority of states have programs which are much less restrictive than the bill signed by Governor Lee.

The bill, SB1325/HB1202 was popular in the state legislature, where it was passed with veto proof majorities.  The bill is much more restrictive than the requirements for ordinary police officers firearms training. Initially, volunteers who wish to protect the children in their care most complete 40 hours of firearms training, as much as ordinary police officers. Current or former police officers who are school staff are exempt from this initial training.

An additional 40 hours of training must be completed every year by each volunteer. The training has to be paid for by the volunteer ( or their school). Police departments are not required to provide the training for free.  Most police officers do not receive an additional 40 hours of firearms annual training. Most have between 1-8 hours of qualification hours a year, which is testing, not training.

The staff volunteers who wish to be able to protect the children in their care must willing to take a week of time off to train each year (or, perhaps five days of week-ends), and to pay for the training out of their own pocket, every year, at a local police department. From the bill, as signed by Governor Bill Lee:

(D) Have successfully completed forty (40) hours in basic training in school policing as required by § 49-6-4217 when the authorization to carry a handgun on school grounds is issued. The faculty or staff member must complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of training specific to school policing that has been approved by the peace officer standards and training (POST) commission each year to retain the authorization. Any such training must be approved by the LEA and the cost of the training, firearm, and ammunition is at the expense of the person seeking authorization to possess and carry a concealed handgun on school grounds, not the LEA of the school at which the person is assigned;

Effectively, only those schools who are willing to pay to have staff attend an annual 40 hours of training ( which will likely include travel expenses) will have armed staff under this bill. This requirement makes Tennessee one of the most restrictive states in the nation, other than those which completely ban staff from carrying concealed weapons to defend the children in their care.

Even this mild and modest reform bill was adamantly opposed by those who desire an unarmed population. Their major argument was "Guns are Bad".  From a student activist group in the Tennesseean:

We have elected these legislators to serve us, and yet nothing we have done has made them listen. We students are educated, we are intelligent, and we are opposed to the existence of guns in schools. We refuse to be political bargaining chips to serve misguided purposes.


It is unlikely primary and secondary school students are old enough to have voted in the last election.  Who has impressed upon this small group of activist students the idea "Guns are Bad"? Why should minors, with little experience, who are notoriously gullible and malleable, be given any credence in a public debate about policy matters? This correspondent explained the mindset in a previous essay.

This bill is a very small and minor step on the way to allowing effective protection of students in primary and secondary schools in Tennessee.


©2024 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch



1 comment:

ScienceABC123 said...

I have no issue with requiring training for teachers to have guns. As long as that training does not exceed that of law enforcement officers, including the 40 hours a year.