Sunday, August 04, 2024

CA: Oceanside Homeowner Shoots Intruder who Hit Him in Face with a Rock

Officers responding to a report of an assault with a deadly weapon found the man suffering from a gunshot wound inside the home, police spokesperson Heather Mitchell said.

Police said the intruder was carrying a 3-foot wooden stake and a rock when he entered an open slider door in a back bedroom. A woman was inside the room.

“The suspect threw a rock at a male resident of the home, striking him in the face,” Mitchell said in a statement. “The male resident retrieved a firearm and shot the suspect.”

 The homeowner, a 54-year-old man, fired his Glock handgun three times, striking the intruder in the chest, she said.

 Police and fire personnel tried to resuscitate the man, but he died before he could be taken to a hospital. The homeowner who fired the gun suffered injuries to his face and was treated at the scene, Mitchell said.

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