Friday, August 06, 2021

MO: Mark and Patricia McCloskey Pardoned by Governor Mike Parson

Image screenshot of public announcement by Kim Gardner, Circuit Attorney

On 30 July, 2021, Governor Mike Parson granted pardons to Mark and Patrica McCloskey, along with 10 other people. The McCloskeys had defended their home from an angry mob of political protestors. From the office of Communication of Missouri Governor Michael L. Parson:

On Friday, July 30, 2021, Governor Mike Parson granted 12 pardons and approved two commutations pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. Official documents have been filed with the appropriate government agencies and are being sent to the individuals.


1) Phillip Vancil
2) Roy Middleton
3) Travis Gilliland
4) Dennis Hargiss
5) Linda Floyd
6) Marlo Finner
7) Kenneth Callahan
8) John Biggs
9) Randy Huggins
10) Jeremy Murray
11) Mark McCloskey
12) Patricia McCloskey


1) Matthew Carrell
2) Deitra Cole

Mark and Patricia McCloskey became famous when an angry mob of demonstrators were directed into their private neighborhood by demonstration organizers. The couple were terrifically outnumbered. Both sides had weapons. The demonstrators yelled threats; the couple pointed firearms in the direction of the demonstators. A gate to the complex was destroyed in the process.

Far Left prosecutor Kim Gardner, a supporter of Black Lives Matter, who organized the protest, charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey with "Unlawful use of Weapons". 

The charge, which flied in the face of the video evidence, ignited sympathy for Pat and Mark.  Kim Gardner, whose official title is St. Louis Circuit Attorney, used the prosecution as part of her bid for re-election. There were additional charges of evidence tampering, although the tampering seems to have been on the orders of the prosecutors office. 

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt called for the dismissal of the charges.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson said he would pardon the couple.

Evidence surfaced of political pressure by Kim Gardner's prosecutor office to prosecute the McCloskeys. 

As a result, combined with effective legal maneuvers by the McCloskeys, Kim Gardner and her entire office were removed from the case.

The case was handed over to special prosecutor Richard C. Callahan. Callahan was not unbiased. He had been appointed by President Barack Obama as a U.S. Attorney. He is reported to be a longtime ally of former Senator Claire McCaskill (D) MO. 

Callahan looked at the case and knew he was unlikely to get a conviction on the firearms charges. He wanted a conviction, but his highest priority was to confiscate the couple's firearms as a symbolic victory. 

Callahan combed through the law and found a charge which would be very difficult to defend against. Then he negotiated a reasonably favorable plea deal with the McCloskeys, so he could declare victory. The plea deal included pleading guilty to a minor misdemeanor and surrendering a Bryco 38 pistol and an ordinary AR-15.  Mark McCloskey immediately purchased a replacement AR-15 type rifle. 

There is a serious problem in the criminal justice system when a special prosecutor openly says his highest priority is a symbolic, political, victory.

Governor Parson was reported to have said he would pardon the McCloskeys on 19 July, 2020. 

A little over a year later, on 30 July, 2021, he kept his promise. 

©2021 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch





Anonymous said...

Prosecute Kim Gardner NOW!!

Anonymous said...

Constitutionally I think it would be better to Impeach her , that way she will never be an attorney again and never work in any government job ever. Any government official can be impeached and the results are nearly the same as a felony conviction..

Anonymous said...

The Problem with the impeachment process is aeaurocrats always cover their golfing friends six You really have to make a lot of enemies to get impeached Like marrying someone's ex that has the power to vote to impeached Ever tried to get a judge removed? there is no legal recourse to get corrupt judges off the bench They protect their own. If you could prove a judge murdered some one in the court room before a dozen witness they would claim it was the fault of a malfunctioning gun six or seven times it malfunctioned clearly an accident. I had absolute proof a judge on Probation violated 22 state and federal laws in one hearing with a paid for audio transcript that was altered by the clerk and the appeals court refused to listen to the recording and could find no errors. An emergency was declared to impose jurisdiction that states law forbids the declaration of an emergency to impose jurisdiction Federal law forbids any interference in a foreign judgment. unless very specific parameters are met and none of those parameters applied. If the appeals court had found an error that judge would have violated the two years probation and been removed. I believe the courts are the most corrupt branch of government. there is no valid over sight.