Monday, October 15, 2012

ATF whistleblower site posts Fast and Furious manager’s OK to work for JPMorgan

Why would ATF management let a 'Gunwalker' figure cited as vulnerable for prosecution do this? Credits: US DOJBATFE

A question asked almost two months ago in this column was answered yesterday by a post on CleanUpATF, the website established by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives whistleblowers to expose agency waste, abuse, corruption and fraud: Who approved “double-dip” employment for former Assistant Director William McMahon, a central Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking’ figure, going on paid leave while accepting private employment and an overseas assignment with financial giant JPMorgan?

The approval document, posted as a pdf file on CUATF, reveals the approving authorities were Assistant Director Julie Torres, Deputy Director Thomas Brandon and Deputy Chief Counsel Melanie S. Stinnett. Gun Rights Examiner posted an exclusive report in September presenting allegations that the Chief Counsel’s Office is still running the show at ATF, organizational appearances notwithstanding, and was later informed by an insider source that report raised hackles.

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