My favorite restaurant in Yuma is the Yummy Yummy at 2241 Avenue A. It is in the corner of the strip mall and easy to miss. It isn't a fancy place, rather utilitarian, with ridiculously low prices and excellent food. The service is good, but as the place is litterally a mom and pop (the mother speaks English, Spanish, and Chinese fluently), do not expect to have her hovering over your table. For the cost of a drink at most bars, you can get a complete meal, if you drink water. They have $5 specials that are always available, even on Sunday after church.
That is where I was when I noticed the open carrier above. Not unexpectedly, he was a former student. I cannot remember them all, but for 15 years about half the CCW permits in Yuma were through the course that I ran. We had a pleasant chat and I gave him a copy of my card to keep in touch. The restaurant has gotten mixed reviews on Yelp. I find that eating off a horizontal surface, with real silverware, cold drinks, hot food, and *air conditioning* to be a marvelous luxury, so such things as lack of linen or expensive artwork does not bother me. YMMV.
It reminded me of a differnent day after church, when I had invited freinds to the Yummy Yummy for a bit of dress-up:
Dressup with a friend after church one day at the Yummy Yummy.
The rifle is a custom Mannlicher-Schonauer in .257 Ackley Improved. A beautiful rifle, and reasonably accurate. It was built for hunting mountain goats and sheep. I like the classic "black rifle" look. My daughter shot a Texas pig with it a number of years ago. It seemed to go with the gentleman motif.
My friend and her daughter wore her husband's shotgun and bandoleer.
The friendly owners of the Yummy Yummy told us to come back anytime.
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