Gun-control propaganda shot down in a hail of inconvenient questions
But it was journalist Charles C. Johnson who took this thing apart, and he did it on Twitter. The Blaze has a collection of Johnson’s Tweets on the topic. The gun-control group claimed there have been 74 school shootings since the Sandy Hook Elementary School horror in 2012. Johnson simply started looking those incidents up, one at a time – something every single media organization reporting on this claim should have done – and discovered “school shooting” was not even remotely accurate as a description for them. The list provided by Everytown included criminals who managed to get themselves shot near schools, shootings that occurred in school parking lots after hours, accidents, suicides, and of course gang violence. The latter is an example of a tactic dishonestly used by gun-control propagandists for years – they love to portray gang fights as “children” getting killed by guns.
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